Jordan Spieth is one of the best professional golfers out there. Spieth has earned his name representing the USA in a number of competitions. The golfer shot to fame as a youngster after winning the PGA Tour Rookie of the Year in 2013 and the PGA Tour Player of the Year in 2015.

Within a decade of going pro, Jordan Spieth won a number of accolades. The athlete, who celebrated his 29th birthday in July, is one of the highest-paid players in the sport. Spieth is one of the most celebrated American golfers since Tiger Woods. Despite his accomplishments, many have lauded Spieth for his "grounded"' character.

Jordan Spieth was born to Shawn and Mary Christine Spieth in Dallas, Texas. He grew up with siblings Ellie and Steven Spieth. While Jordan is a star in the golfing world, he himself has admitted that his little sister Ellie is the star of his family.

Ellie Spieth was born prematurely. The ace golfer's sister is suffering from an undiagnosed neurological disorder. According to reports, Ellie's disorder lies on the autism spectrum and affects her ability to communicate effectively. The disorder left her developmentally challenged. Jordan is close to Ellie and often speaks about his little sister.

During an interview, Jordan revealed that Ellie was "the best thing that ever happened" to his family. Speaking about his sister, the pro golfer said that "she's the most special part of our family and the funniest." According to his family, Jordan Spieth's humility and maturity comes from the love for his little sister.

Jordan Spieth can't imagine life without Ellie

Speaking about Ellie, Jordan once admitted that he couldn't comprehend what his life would have been like without her. The PGA champion said that his little sister has impacted his personality while growing up. Spieth lauded his parents and said they wouldn't have changed a thing about their family.

"I don't know what the alternative would be. Would I be a brat? Are other people not normal people?... With Ellie and how we grew up with her and her struggles and her triumphs, I think it just put life a little more in perspective than maybe it would have had we not experienced it." "My parents are such great parents I don't think it would have changed much, but we were able to see first-hand what someone who struggles like that is like and it certainly took over our family. So maybe that's what helps keep me 'normal.' I don't know what the alternative is when everyone says maturity and grounded."

In an interview, Jordan Spieth's mother once revealed that Ellie was the star of the Spieth family and not Jordan. Speaking to about Ellie, Christine said:

"We say all the time—our friends and his friends—we all live in Ellie's world. No matter what's going on, it's all about her. At least she thinks that."

Jordan Spieth now lives in his own mansion with his family. However, the golfer continues to stick close to his sister. Ellie is a central figure in his life and Jordan taking her along for his competitions is proof of the same.

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