
Have you been watching Joshua Jackson’s new Showtime series, The Affair? I have not, but I intend to check it out at some point. I still haven’t had time to catch up on the new season of Homeland (but I hear there’s a lot of Rupert Friend so YAY!). Joshua isn’t even the lead of The Affair – he’s part of a small ensemble which includes Ruth Wilson, Dominic West and Maura Tierney. Anyway, Joshua is still doing some promotion for the show and he gave an interesting interview to Glamour. Some highlights:

Making a show about messy relationships: “Our show tries to portray the messiness of life—sometimes you make bad choices and don’t get to walk around with your head held high. But having seasoned actors helps. Our industry tends to cast 23-year-olds, but in this show everybody’s got a couple of wrinkles, a little bit of life under their belts. We’ve all had to recover from heartbreak.”

Whether he still gets recognized for Mighty Ducks & Dawson’s Creek: “If I’m somewhere cold, Mighty Ducks. Anywhere else, Dawson’s. I’m now at an age where my friends’ kids like Dawson’s…but they like it ironically.”

Why he and Diane Kruger aren’t married: “I can tell you why we’re not married: We’re not religious. I don’t feel any more or less committed to Diane for not having stood in front of a priest and had a giant party. We’re both children of divorce, so it’s hard for me to take marriage at face value as the thing that shows you’ve grown up and are committed to another person. But it may change at some point. We may get married.”

What Diane taught him about fashion: “That if you want to be respected as a grown-up, you have to dress like one.”

Diane threw out his part of shoe collection: “I used to have a collection of Adidas sneakers, but one day all the obnoxiously colored ones disappeared. She still claims I must have lost them ‘somewhere.’”

[From Glamour]

That’s so harsh that Diane threw out some of Joshua’s shoe collection. From what I gather, their couple-dynamic is that he’s very loose and easy-going and she’s the hyper-organized control freak who keeps him in line and on time. I think if Diane wanted to get married, they would get married. Joshua will just go along with whatever she wants and right now, she doesn’t care about marriage. But I think the religious argument is interesting, although… the institution of marriage evolves. It’s evolving right now, as we speak. It’s not just about religion, and in some cases, it has nothing to do with religion. So, I kind of think Joshua’s answer was a cop-out. He just doesn’t want to say “We’ll get married when Diane says we should get married.”


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
